- It’s cool lol, bit old. But only complaint the old food need to be thrown out.but they pretty much got everything.. could use more staff and more funds to bring the store up and music would livid place up-a bit.
- I shop here about once a month to every other month. I do so primarily because the Aldi nearby doesn’t carry an item.
The metal detectors and the smell from the rear-located seafood area are off-putting. The selection is plentiful but if you’re locally cultured, your options are likely about 50% of what’s available. This is a very convenient place to shop for short lists because the lines are usually short.
- Who ever saw a grocery store with no restroom! Most importantly very high prices not competitive at all with nearby grocery stores.
- The visit was decent. I found everything I was looking for. The issue was that the prices were a bit high but I guess it is ok.