Found 7 Category selected «Embassies and consulates» в городе San Francisco.

British Consulate General in San Francisco

The British Consulate General in San Francisco maintains and develop relations between the UK and the USA.
Our work involves handling a wide range of political, commercial, cultural, security and economic interests to the UK and our region.
Find out more on our USA and the UK news page.
We provide services to Brit...

San Francisco, 1 Sansome St Suite 850, San Francisco, CA 94104
The British Consulate General in San Francisco maintains and develop relations between the UK and the USA.
Our work involves handling a wide range of political, commercial, cultural, security and economic interests to the UK and our region.
Find out more on our USA and the UK news page.
We provide services to Brit...

Consulate General of Greece


San Francisco, 2441 Gough St, San Francisco, CA 94123
Announcement: According to Law 4962/2022, Article 87 «Legislative Regulations for passport issuance», passports that will be issued after Sept 1st, 2022 to adults or minors exceeding the age of 14 years old, will have a ten-year validity period.
The new machine-readable Greek passports are produced using state-of-the-a...
The new machine-readable Greek passports are produced using state-of-the-a...

Consulate General of Portugal


San Francisco, 3298 Washington St, San Francisco, CA 94115
The Citizen Card is a physical identification document that contains a chip (smartcard), allowing the Portuguese citizen to be identified before any public or private entity, personally or digitally.
The Citizen Card replaced several other documents, aggregating in a single card the numbers of:
Civil identification Tax identifica...
The Citizen Card replaced several other documents, aggregating in a single card the numbers of:
Civil identification Tax identifica...



San Francisco, 2790 Green St, San Francisco, CA 94123
Паспортный отдел (часы работы 14.00 - 17.00)
Адрес паспортного отдела Генерального консульства России в Сан-Франциско: 2790 Green Street, San Francisco, CA 94123
Телефон: (415) 928-6878 (оформление российских заграничных паспортов, свидетельств на возвращение в Российскую Федерацию, подтверждение&nbs...
Адрес паспортного отдела Генерального консульства России в Сан-Франциско: 2790 Green Street, San Francisco, CA 94123
Телефон: (415) 928-6878 (оформление российских заграничных паспортов, свидетельств на возвращение в Российскую Федерацию, подтверждение&nbs...

Consulate General of Ukraine - Генеральне консульство України в Сан-Франциско


San Francisco, 530 Bush St # 402, San Francisco, CA 94108
Consular Services
Certification of public documents
Immigration to Ukraine
Marriage in Ukraine
Repatriation of deceased citizens
Certification of public documents
Immigration to Ukraine
Marriage in Ukraine
Repatriation of deceased citizens

German Consulate General San Francisco


San Francisco, 1960 Jackson St, San Francisco, CA 94109
Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany
Oliver Schramm, Consul General
San Francisco
Open site plan
Further information in our data protection declaration
Postal address
Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1960 Jackson Street, San Francis...
Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany
Oliver Schramm, Consul General
San Francisco
Open site plan
Further information in our data protection declaration
Postal address
Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1960 Jackson Street, San Francis...

Netherlands consulate-general in San Francisco

120 Kearny Street, Suite 3100San Francisco, CA 94104United StatesMailing address:1 Montgomery Street, Suite 3100San Francisco, CA 94104United States
Front desk
Making an appointment
If you are in the United States and need a product or service from the Dutch government, find out how to make an appointment.

San Francisco, 120 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA 94108
120 Kearny Street, Suite 3100San Francisco, CA 94104United StatesMailing address:1 Montgomery Street, Suite 3100San Francisco, CA 94104United States
Front desk
Making an appointment
If you are in the United States and need a product or service from the Dutch government, find out how to make an appointment.